Worship vs Making Him Known

Someone says, ‘My life is so busy I don’t have time to do anything more than a couple hours Sunday morning. God’s purpose for us is worship, so I am so blessed to have all my needs met by meeting with the best worship team in the area on Sunday mornings.” Would you have anything to say and if so, what?

My answer: I believe our main focus should be to know Christ, who He really is, and to make Him and His truths known to others; then help others do the same. If I spend most of my time singing songs to God, how is that making Christ known to those who would rarely, if ever, walk though the doors of my auditorium?

Ron’s answer: Worship is best described in the summary of the 10 Commandments by Jesus to love the Lord our God with all our heart and all our soul and all our mind and with all our strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves. That is true worship. Therefore worship is a way of life and it’s not something one just does on a Sunday morning. That is far too narrow of an understanding of worship that is a reflection of every day of our lives.

The psalms are known as the hymnbook of the Bible. Working through the Psalms one will find that worship is connected to every part of one’s life and never isolated into one place of worship. Psalm 121 is known as the travelers Psalm and it deals with experiencing God’s strength and presence through all of the ups and downs of life and obviously it includes far more than a Sunday morning or a Sabbath.

The daily picture as noted in Luke 9:23, to come after Jesus we have to take up the cross daily and follow him.That is worship.

Check out John chapter 13- 17 discourse of Jesus before the crucifixion. The Chapters give us an expansive picture of the life of disciples. The picture is clear that it is way beyond Sunday morning.
It involves humility, loving one another, love demonstrated by obedience, abiding in the vine, allowing his word to be rooted in us, experiencing friendship with the Lord, experiencing the conviction of the Holy Spirit, and on the list goes with the concepts for a true life of a disciple and genuine worship.

Jesus ultimately brings it Together in the high priestly prayer of John 17 in which Jesus prays for himself, the disciples and all of us who would believe on the message. Belief is demonstrated in actions.

These chapters drive home genuine worship involving the Trinity and the community of faith, which goes beyond a Sunday morning window.


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