From Romans 6 – Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means
- What have we been doing for a 100 or so years?
- We are supposed to have been freed from sin which would also include silence? (Knowing the good we ought to do and not doing it is sin)
From Romans 6 – What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of?
- Should we not be ashamed of our silence?
From Romans 6 – Those things result in death.
- Might we also say millions of babies have died as a result of our silence?
When are the leaders of the church going to start pushing back against the moral decline of this country and quit being silent for a tax exemption or out of fearing man more than God Almighty?
Francis Schaeffer – A Christian Manifesto – How should Christians Respond –
Is immorality or stupidity worse?
What is loyalty to Christ worth to us?
If there is no place for disobeying the government, that government has been made God. Christ must be the final Lord and not Caesar and not society.
Have we denied what we say we believe by our silence?
Has our preaching of the gospel caused a change in culture, which effective preaching should?
Francis Schaefer’s Christian Manifesto talked mostly about true spirituality. True spirituality means that Christ is the Lord of all our life and not just our religious life. And if we think there is a difference in these things we are denying our Lord his proper place, and regardless of how many butterflies we have in our stomach we are poor spiritually. True spirituality means that Jesus is the Lord of all of life and that includes standing for freedom and many of the other things that are founders stood for.
The LIE of separation of church and state must be smashed.
When a government negates the law of God it abrogates its authority.
At a certain point it is not only the privilege but it is the duty of the Christian to disobey the government. That’s what the founding fathers did when they founded this country, and that’s what the early church did.
Should we be repentant for the silence of the last 80 or so years?
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