Haggai – 37th BOOK

Haggai (Letter 37, Larry Crabb’s 66 Love Letters)

God reveals himself as the god with the power needed to win the war against sin and sorrow no matter how vile the sin or deep the sorrow. When we know Him by this name, then we will hope in all that this name reveals about Him, and we will hear the message of Haggai. We will live not to build our house but to build His temple.
No matter how discouraged you feel, no matter how little evidence you see of God’s power, no matter how off course His plan appears to be or how unlikely to fulfillment of His promise seems to be, no matter how dark your night or empty your soul, build His temple.
Whatever you do for His sake that involves the sacrifice of self-interest, whatever you do to reveal Him to others when you feel least able to do so, whatever you do that pleases Him at any cost to yourself, that is building His temple.
Haggai delivered four messages:

  1. Do not let discouragement or opposition get you off course
  2. Know that what seems insignificant today will be revealed as significant tomorrow
  3. Evil is more contagious than goodness
  4. God would fulfill His plan through the man of His choosing

Book Name: Topic – From Ray Stedman<-(click here for entire Bible summary)

to be completed

HAGGAI – David Jeremiah (Understanding the 66 Books of the Bible)

Key thought: The priority of finishing God’s work should come before the priorities of our own comfort and convenience. 

Key Verse: Then the word of the Lord came by Haggai the prophet, saying, Is it time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses, and this temple to lie in ruins? Now, therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider your ways! Haggai 1:3-5

Key Action: Be strong, all you people of the land, and work. For God is with you (see Haggai 2:4)